Monday, December 15, 2008

The "Oil" That Lubes the Machine

I believe that true love, not perverted love (i.e. a prostitute's bond to a pimp or a battered wife's undying loyalty to the abusive husband) is the oil in the machine of the dreamer's and visionary's imagination.

Therefore, the quality of the relationships that we choose to partake in, determines the grade of the oil that lubes the imagination machine. High grade oil (i.e. words of affirmation, random and timely displays of affection, gifts of appreciation, etc.) will always promote long life and productivity of the innermost components that cause the machine to run smoothly.

Low Grade oil (i.e. abusive langauge and behavior, manipulation, intimidation, domination, etc.) causes untimely breakdowns and excessive wear and tear on the integral pieces of the machine, rendering it useless or highly ineffective! So dreamers and visionaries, choose your "oil" or your relationships very carefully!

© 2008 Myles W. Miller for Lion Heart Enterprises. All Rights Reserved

Friday, May 9, 2008

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True Happiness...

I define happiness as being able to operate in my purpose. When you are in your purpose, life seems to just flow smoother. I can't guarantee easier, but definitely smoother.

Myles Munroe says that, "Where purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable." The problem that many people have is that in order to know your purpose, you have to know your true identity. Your true identity is not the facade that we put on to go to work or the persona that you present. Your true identity lies in God's view of you (See Genesis 1:26-28). Until one gets that view of themselves, they struggle trying be someone that they are not. Until one understands this view, happiness will consistently and effectively elude them.

So, once you know your true identity, you can flow in your true purpose, and ultimately realize your true destiny. That's true happiness!!!

© 2008 Myles W. Miller for Lion Heart Enterprises. All Rights Reserved